
發燒也有好處 - 補習





I've always thought that when I get a fever, it's my body trying to make things uncomfortable for the invading pathogen. And that's often true—higher temperatures can inhibit the bad guys' ability to replicate. But my fever may actually be a one-two-punch. In addition to slowing down the invader, the heat helps the immune system recruit more troops for a counter-attack. That finding appears in the Journal of Leukocyte Biology.我常常這樣想,當我發燒的時候就是我的身體在產生一些對抗弱小病毒的物質的時候。通常是這樣情況——高溫可以抑制那些壞家伙們復制的能力。但是我的發燒屬于“前赴后繼”型。此外,為了阻止外來入侵者,高溫會幫助免疫系統生成更多“士兵”來防御。這個研究在雜志《白細胞生物學》上出現過。 

Researchers warmed up one group of mice to body temperatures of about 103 degrees Fahrenheit. They left another group at normal core temperature—about the same as ours. Then they injected both groups of mice with an antigen, a substance that attracts the attention of the immune system. 研究人員使得一組小鼠的處于103華氏度的環境中。而另一組小鼠留在常溫中。此時,他們給兩組小鼠注入抗原。 

Blood samples taken three days later revealed that the feverish mice had nearly twice as many killer T cells: the kind of immune cells that can hunt down infected cells or tumor cells, and slaughter them. 三天之后,取出的血液樣本表明微發燒的小鼠有兩倍于已經死亡小鼠的T細胞。 

So when you're sick and you get the chills, the authors say, your body may be trying to tell you to hop under some blankets. Lie down, warm up and send a message. The heat is on.所以,當你覺得虛弱并且大冷顫時,這很有可能是你的身體在告訴你要多蓋一些毯子。躺下,溫暖一番并發個短信。體溫就上升了。  



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