
最浪漫:加拿大飛行員六年策劃字母合影求婚(視頻) - 補習

Love letters! One man’s globe-trotting bid to propose to his girlfriend by spelling out ‘We always knew’ and finally ‘Will you marry me’ 愛的字母:加拿大飛行員六年環球旅行策劃浪漫求婚,拼出“我們一直都知道” 和“你愿意嫁給我嗎?”

A young Montreal couple began dating six years ago and after about a year they decided it was beginning to look serious.這對來自加拿大蒙特利爾市的年輕情侶六年前開始交往。在一起一年后,他們決定要認真對待這段感情。

The boyfriend was a pilot who journeyed all over the world, often taking his girlfriend with him.這位加拿大飛行員常年全球飛,有時也會帶女朋友一起。

They decided to document some of the best moments from their romantic travels by taking photos with letters.他們決定要記錄下這些甜蜜旅行的美好時刻,所以每到一處會拿著字母拍照留念。

The individual letters collectively spelled out 'we always knew.'這些字母組合在一起的意思是“我們一直都知道”。


The idea behind it was to show that if they get married one day, then ... they always knew.這個想法背后的含義是如果他們有一天結婚了,那么他們一直都知道會在一起。

The couple were captured on film with the final letter, W, in Montreal - but he had a big surprise for her.旅行的最后一站,最后一個字母W的照片是在家鄉蒙特利爾市拍下的。不過女孩并不知道,還有一個大大的驚喜在等著她。

With a friend tucked away out of view with a video camera, the boyfriend also had two secret bystanders on hand to help, to which the girlfriend was oblivious.男孩的朋友事先拿著攝像機藏起來了,還找了在場的兩個神秘路人幫忙。不過這一切女孩都沒有注意到。

He then asked someone nearby to take a photo of the lovers holding the W.他們倆拿著字母W,請旁邊的人幫他們拍了張照片。

As the person clicked, the two bystanders standing behind the couple rolled out the words to spell out 'Will you marry me?' 快門按下的時候,站在他們身后的神秘路人就按安排打出了“你愿意嫁給我嗎” 的橫幅。


The would-be groom then showed his would-be bride the picture on the camera.浪漫的準新郎給蒙在鼓里的女友看拍好的照片。

At that point he whipped out the ring and popped the question on bended knee.也就在那一刻,他掏出戒指跪在地上求婚了!

Tearfully, she flew into his arms and embraced to cheers of others close by.女孩激動得熱淚盈眶,在圍觀眾人的一片祝福聲中擁抱了自己浪漫的男友。

The video was posted on November 16 and has brought quite an emotional response from his Youtube viewers.這段求婚視頻自11月16日放到著名視頻網站Youtube后,許多人在下面留言表示被感動到了。

'Awwwwwww that made me cry, you are sooo cute and creative, good luck to you,' said one commentator.“啊啊啊,我都感動得哭了,你真可愛真有創意,祝你們好運哦!”


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