《德伯家的苔絲》第二十一章(下) - 補習 |
''Tis coming!' cried Mrs Crick, and the attention of all was called off from Tess.“黃油出來了,”克里克太太叫喊起來,于是大家對苔絲的注意就轉移開了。 That fair sufferer soon recovered herself externally, but she remained much depressed all the afternoon. When the evening milking was done she did not care to be with the rest of them, and went out of doors wandering along she knew not whither. She was wretched - O so wretched - at the perception that to her companions the dairyman's story had been rather a humorous narration than otherwise; none of them but herself seemed to see the sorrow of it; to a certainty, not one knew how cruelly it touched the tender place in her experience. The evening sun was now ugly to her, like a great inflamed wound in the sky. Only a solitary cracked-voiced reed-sparrow greeted her from the bushes by the river, in a sad, machine-made tone, resembling that of a past friend whose friendship she had outworn.心中痛苦的那個女孩子,表面上看不久也恢復過來了;不過整個下午她都悶悶不樂。傍晚的牛奶擠完以后,她不愿意和其他的人呆在一起,就走出門外,獨自閑走著,就是連自己也不知道走到哪兒去。她很痛苦——啊,她是這樣地痛苦——因為她發現,奶牛場老板的故事在她的伙伴們聽來,只不過是一件幽默的笑料,此外再沒有別的;除了她自己而外,誰也沒有看出故事中的悲傷來;肯定沒有人知道,這個故事多么殘酷地觸及了她經歷中最敏感的地方。西下的夕陽此刻在她看來也變得丑惡了,好像是空中出現的一道巨大的紅色傷口。只有一只聲音嘶啞的蘆雀,在河邊的樹叢中用悲傷機械的音調向她打招呼,就像一個已經沒有了友誼的從前的朋友向她打招呼的聲音一樣。 In these long June days the milkmaids, and, indeed, most of the household, went to bed at sunset or sooner, the morning work before milking being so early and heavy at a time of full pails. Tess usually accompanied her fellows upstairs. To-night, however, she was the first to go to their common chamber; and she had dozed when the other girls came in. She saw them undressing in the orange light of the vanished sun, which flushed their forms with its colour; she dozed again, but she was reawakened by their voices, and quietly turned her eyes towards them.在六月份白天很長的天氣里,擠牛奶的女工們,實際上她們是奶牛里的大多數,在太陽剛落或在比這更早的時候就上床睡覺了,因為這是牛奶豐產的季節,所以早上擠奶前的工作又早又累。平常苔絲總是陪著她的伙伴們一起上樓。但是今天晚上,苔絲最先回到了她們的公共寢室;等到其他的女工們回到寢室的時候,她已經朦朦朧朧地睡去了。她被吵醒了,看見她們在夕陽的橘黃色光照里脫掉衣服,身上也染上了夕陽的橘黃顏色;她又在朦朧中睡過去了,不過也給她們的說話聲吵醒了,就悄悄地轉過頭看著她們。 Neither of her three chamber-companions had got into bed. They were standing in a group, in their nightgowns, barefooted, at the window, the last red rays of the west still warming their faces and necks, and the walls around them. All were watching somebody in the garden with deep interest, their three faces close together: a jovial and round one, a pale one with dark hair and a fair one whose tresses were auburn.她的三個伙伴一個也沒有上床睡覺。她們穿著睡衣,光著腳,一起站在窗前,夕陽最后的紅色殘照,仍然在溫暖著她們的面頰、脖子和身后的墻壁。她們三個人把臉擠在一起,饒有興趣地注視著花園里某個人;在她們中間,一個是一張快活的圓臉,一個是長著黑頭發的灰白臉,還有一個是長著紅褐色鬈發的白凈臉。
- Feb 17 Fri 2012 15:44