英語方言大揭秘:當倫敦音遭遇威爾士英語 - 補習 |
With countless British accents shaped by thousands of years of history, there are few English-speaking nations with as many varieties of language in such a small space.經過上千年歷史的演變,在講英語的國家中,很少有哪個國家像英國一樣,在這么個小地方擁有如此多的英語變種。 Received Pronunciation標準發音 Received Pronunciation is the closest accent to “Standard British” that has ever existed in the UK. Although it originally derives from London English, it is non-regional. The accent emerged from the 18th- and 19th-Century aristocracy, and has remained the “gold standard” ever since.在英國,從來就不存在“標準英語”一說,與其最接近的就是標準發音了。標準發音發源于倫敦英語,但并不屬于地方發音。這種口音源于18、19世紀的英國貴族,自此,就成了發音的“黃金標準”了。 Cockney考克尼 Cockney is probably the second most famous of British Accents. It originated in the East End of London, but shares many features with and influences other dialects in that region.考克尼也許是除了標準發音之外的最有名的英國口音了。考克尼源于倫敦東部,深受當地的其他方言的影響,也與它們有著很多共同特點。 Estuary English 河口英語 Estuary is an accent derived from London English which has achieved a status slightly similar to “General American” in the US. Features of this accent can be heard around Southeast England, East Anglia, and perhaps further afield.河口英語口音來源于倫敦英語,現在它在英國的地位有點類似于“通用美國英語”在美國的地位。河口英語口音分布在英格蘭東南部,東英吉利地區,更遠的地方可能也有分布。
Geordie基尼英語 Geordie usually refers to both the people and dialect of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, in Northeast England. The word may also refer to accents and dialects in Northeast England in general.基尼英語指從英格蘭東北部的紐卡斯爾到泰恩河之間的區域,人們所講的方言。這一地區的人也叫做基尼人。基尼英語也可泛指英格蘭東北部的口音和方言。 Midlands English中部英語 Midlands English is one of the more stigmatized of English dialect groupings. The most famouse of these dialects is Brummie.中部英語在英語方言群中比較有標志性。其中最有名的當屬伯明翰口音了。 Northern England English北英格蘭英語 These are the accents and dialect spoken north of the midlands, in cities like Manchester, Leeds, and Liverpool. Related accents also found in rural Yorkshire.英格蘭中北部包括曼徹斯特、利茲、利物浦等地所說的英語都屬于此類。約克郡郊區也有類似的口音。
Welsh English威爾士英語 This refers to the accents and dialects spoken in the country of Wales. The speech of this region is heavily influenced by the Welsh language, which remained more widely spoken in modern times than the other Celtic languages.威爾士英語指在威爾士地區的口音和方言。威爾士語對這里的英語影響很深。而且,威爾士語也是現代社會中使用最廣泛的蓋爾特語言了。 Welsh is spoken natively in Wales. The Welsh Language Board indicated in 2004 that 611,000 people were able to speak Welsh. Although Welsh is a minority language, support for the language grew during the second half of the 20th century. The Welsh Language Act 1993 and the Government of Wales Act 1998 provide that the Welsh and English languages be treated equally in the public sector.威爾士語是威爾士地區使用的母語。根據2004年的調查,約有61萬人會說威爾士語。盡管這是個小語種,但在20世紀下半葉開始,威爾士語的傳承和發展就得到了很大的支持。在1993年和1998年分別通過了兩項威爾士語法案,確立了公共部門中威爾士語和英語的同等地位。
Scottish English蘇格蘭英語 This is the broad definition used to describe English as it is spoken in the country of Scotland. Note that Scottish English is different than Scots, a language derived from Northumbrian Old English that is spoken in Scotland as well.蘇格蘭英語用以泛指蘇格蘭地區所說的英語。請注意,蘇格蘭英語和蘇格蘭語是不同的。蘇格蘭語源于諾森伯蘭地區的古英語,現在在蘇格蘭地區人們也在使用。
- Mar 30 Fri 2012 11:16