
iPhone 4S到底好不好?20%的用戶表示:很坑爹! - 補習


Four million people rushed into stores the weekend Apple iPhone 4S launched.But once the geek frenzy wore off, it seems not everybody was over the moon.More than a fifth of iPhone users regret buying their hi-tech handset, a survey has revealed.iPhone 4S開始銷售的那個周末,有400萬人沖進了蘋果商店購買。不過,當頭腦發熱的家伙們都冷靜下來后,貌似變成“幾家歡喜幾家愁”了。一項調查顯示,超過1/5的iPhone用戶后悔購買了這部高科技手機。Forty-three per cent of disappointed users said it was down to 'jealousy' of rival smartphones - possibly the biggest surprise about the poll of 1,694 people.Perhaps the efforts of rival smartphone makers - many of whom have rushed out phones with bigger screens and faster processors in the wake of the underwhelming iPhone 4S - are starting to pay off.43%失望的用戶說,他們對Smartphone的嫉妒讓他們感到沮喪——這大概是這次投票的結果中,最令人驚訝的地方。當iPhone4S還沒點燃大家的熱情時,多家Smartphone制造商就開始“抄襲”,并且把屏幕做得更大,把處理速度改進得更快。也許制造商們的努力要開始得到回報了。The second-most popular reason for users turning against their new phones was disappointment was the battery life, with 25 per cent saying they felt let down.Others - eight per cent of the total - were disappointed with the email on iPhone 4S.讓用戶們不待見新手機的第二大原因,是對電池續航時間的失望。而剩下的8%,則是對iPhone4S的電子郵件這一應用不滿意。The survey didn't make clear whether the users were 'fresh' smartphone buyers - ie those likely to be baffled by hi-tech features - or 'switchers' from devices such as BlackBerries, who were more likely to compare iPhone's features with other phones that offered bigger screens, faster processors, or apps such as BlackBerry's excellent email service.調查并沒有清楚說明,接受調查的用戶們是否是智能機的“新手”——那些容易被高科技搞糊涂的人。也沒有說明他們是否是剛換了手機的人——那些人更容易把iPhone的特點,和其他手機的更大屏幕、更高速率、或者一些應用作比較。This isn't a death knell for Apple's new handset, though - although the poll was of 1,694 over 18s, not all of them owned iPhones, and in such online polls, moaners tend to be much more vocal than satisfied customers.不過這個結果并未給蘋果的新產品敲響喪鐘。雖然投票面向的是1694個成年人,但并非每個人都有iPhone,而且像這種在網絡上進行的投票,抱怨的人肯定比滿意的消費者,嚷嚷得更加厲害。Website GoodMobilePhones, which conducted the survey, said, 'Smartphone envy is something that many phone owners experience, but few will admit to, because everybody wants to believe that they own the 'best' phone on the market.發起這項調查的GoodMobilePhones網站說,“對Smartphone的嫉妒,是很多iPhone用戶的親身體會。但是很少有人會承認,因為每個人都想相信自己擁有的是市場上‘最好的’手機。”We were really surprised that so many people admitted to regretting their iPhone purchase, because they are regarded by many as the best phones available.我們的確很驚訝,竟然有這么多人承認自己后悔買了iPhone,因為iPhone可是被很多人視作最好的手機啊。

注: Smartphone是使用Windows Mobile for Smartphone Edition操作系統的智能手機,主要的設計理念就是個人隨身的數字處理中心。與另一種Windows Mobile產品PocketPC Phone的區別是不使用觸摸屏,單手操作,Smartphone簡單的說就是手機為主體加上PDA的功能,而PocketPC Phone則是PDA為主體加上手機的功能。 

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