開心一笑: FBI的工作 A Case for FBI - 補習


The phone rings at FBI headquarters. FBI總部的電話響了。

"Hello, is this the FBI?" “你好,是FBI嗎?”

"Yes it is ,What do you want ?" the voice replies. 一個聲音回答說:“是的,您有什么事?”

"I'm calling to report my neighbor Tom. He is hiding marijuana in his firewood," the man says. 這個男人說:“我打電話給你們是想告發我的鄰居湯姆。他把大麻藏在他們家的柴火堆里了。”

"We will investigate," say the FBI agent. FBI官員說:“我們會調查的。”

On the next day, the FBI goes to Tom's house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept, break every piece of wood find no marijuana ,curse at Tom and leave. 第二天,FBI來到湯姆家,搜索了柴房,劈開了每塊木頭,結果沒有發現大麻。他們詛咒了湯姆一通就離開了。

The phone rings at Tom's house. 這時,湯姆家的電話響了。

"Hey, Tom ! Did the FBI come and chop your firewood?" “嘿,湯姆!FBI去你家劈柴了么?”

"Yes they did." Tom answers. 湯姆說:“嗯,他們來了。”

"OK, now it's your turn to call .I need my garden plowed." “好,現在該你給FBI打電話了。我們家的花園還沒耕過呢。”

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