法律英語基礎句子:Costs 訴訟費 - 補習


Costs 訴訟費

1.Costs of the case will be borne by the defendant. 訟案費用由被告承擔。

2.Costs will be shared equally between the two paties. 訴訟費由雙方當事人平均分。

3.The amount of costs payable by one party to another may be fixed by rules or determined by way of assessment. 一方當事人向另一方事人支付訴訟費數額可按規定或經評估確定。

4.The cost of litigation will be more affordable and predictable.訴訟費將更注重民眾經濟能力,更具有可能預見性。

5.The court ordered the costs to be taxed if not agreed. 法院命令如果達不成協議訴訟費用由法院評定。

6.The defendants successfully obtained the dismissal of an appeal but were awarded no costs. 被告們成功地讓法院駁回了上訴,但卻沒得任何訴訟費。

7.The judge awarded costs to the defendant. 法官判由原告向被告支付訴訟費。

8.The party receiving costs may obtain some of those costs at an early stage. 應獲得訴訟費的一方當事人可預先得到該訴訟費的一部分。

9.The paying party is often required to pay the receiving party a sum which is less than the sum the winner has to pay his own legal representative. 支付方向受付方支付的款額經常要少于勝訴方必須支付的法律代現費數額。

10.There are two bases upon which the court may assess the amount of costs recoverable. 法院可基于兩點來評估當事人應獲得的訴訟費數額。

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