狗血劇情真實上演:未婚夫妻竟是兄妹 - 補習 |
Engaged couple discover they are brother and sister when their parents meet just before wedding未婚夫妻竟是兄妹:婚禮前家長見面會真相大白 An engaged couple who dated for five years have been left in turmoil after their families met and they discovered they were brother and sister.這對已經訂婚的情侶現在整個世界都混亂了。他們已經約會五年了,卻在婚禮前夕父母見面的時候發現彼此竟然是兄妹! The woman, who is due to give birth next month, is devastated by the discovery that the father of her child is her brother. 女孩現在已經崩潰了,她下個月就要生孩子了,卻發現孩子的父親竟然是自己的哥哥。 The couple, who met at university, had decided they wanted to introduce their single parent families to each other before they got married.他們在大學相遇,訂婚,決定在結婚前介紹雙方的父母認識。他們都來自于單身家庭。 But at the meeting it emerged they were brother and sister who had been separated as small children. 可是這次的家長見面會卻讓他們發現了一個震驚的事實,他們倆是自小分離的兄妹。 The unnamed South African couple are still in shock after making the discovery last Saturday.這對未透露姓名的未婚夫妻來自南非。自從上周六發現這個事實后,他們都還沒有從打擊中緩過來。 The country's Sowetan newspaper reported that the siblings had been raised separately after their mother and father went through an acrimonious divorce.南非國內的《索威坦報》報道稱,他們的父母在經歷了一場唇槍舌劍耗盡心力的離婚戰后,各自將兒女撫養成人。 It reported: 'Their parents separated when the woman was eight months old and the man was two years old. Neither of them knew they had a sibling. '' 報道中寫到:在父母離婚的時候,男孩只有兩歲,而女孩才八個月大。他們彼此都不知道對方的存在。 They reportedly met again at university in 2007 and fell in love.2007年,這對自小分開的兄妹在大學相遇并相愛。 Their two families did not meet throughout their five-year relationship, until they were brought together last week to discuss wedding arrangements.在他們談戀愛的五年中,雙方家長都沒有見過面,直到上周才坐到一起商量婚禮的細節安排。 In many African cultures it is traditional for the family of a male partner to pay a lobola, or 'bride price', to that of his fiancée.許多非洲地區的文化傳統是男方家庭要給女方出“彩禮”。 But the couple's plans were derailed when their parents came face to face and revealed their bombshell.本為見面商量彩禮問題,卻不料家長見面只是揭露了這樣一個猶如晴天霹靂的真相,這對可憐情侶的完美計劃完全破壞了。 The woman told the Sowetan she was devastated by the revelation. She said: 'It was love at first sight. We were studying together at Tshwane University of Technology in Nelspruit. 女孩告訴《索威坦報》說她被這個真相擊垮了。她回憶起兩人的過往,他們都在南非內爾斯普雷特市的茨瓦尼科技大學讀書,他們一見鐘情。 'All we wanted to do was just to have a family and many kids.“曾經的我們只想著結婚,組成家庭,生很多孩子。” 'So you can imagine how shocked we were when they broke the news. We are going to have a child together. We do not know what we will tell him when he grows up.' “所以你可以想象當我們知道這個事實的時候有多震驚。我們的孩子馬上就要出生了,等他長大了我該怎么跟他說?我們真的不知道。” The couple said they had decided to split after hearing the news and were discussing how to handle the shock with their separated parents.在得知這個事實后,這對情侶決定分開,并表示會跟父母討論如何處理這件事帶來的打擊。 Incest remains one of society's last taboos and is an unthinkable concept to most people.近親通婚是現代社會的最后禁忌之一,大部分人還是無法接受這種觀念。 聲明:雙語文章中,中文翻譯僅代表譯者個人觀點,僅供參考。如有不妥之處,歡迎指正。 |
- Feb 03 Fri 2012 12:53