《德伯家的苔絲》第十六章(上) - 補習 |
On a thyme-scented, bird-hatching morning in May, between two and three years after the return from Trantridge - silent reconstructive years for Tess Durbeyfield - she left her home for the second time.五月的一個早晨,麝香草散發著香氣,小鳥還在孵蛋,苔絲從特蘭里奇回來大約兩三年后——這幾年她心靈的創傷悄悄地平復了——又第二次離開了家門。 Having packed up her luggage so that it could be sent to her later, she started in a hired trap for the little town of Stourcastle, through which it was necessary to pass on her journey, now in a direction almost opposite to that of her first adventuring. On the curve of the nearest hill she looked back regretfully at Marlott and her father's house, although she had been so anxious to get away.她收拾好以后再給她送去的行李,就坐上一輛雇來的雙輪輕便馬車,動身去斯圖爾堡的一座小鎮。她途中必須從那個小鎮經過,因為這次行程的方向同她第一次魯莽離家的方向幾乎完全相反。盡管她十分渴望遠走他鄉,但是走到最近那個山丘拐彎的地方,她又回過頭去,滿腹惆悵地望了望馬洛特村和她父親的房屋。 Her kindred dwelling there would probably continue their dally lives as heretofore, with no great diminution of pleasure in their consciousness, although she would be far off, and they deprived of her smile. In a few days the children would engage in their games as merrily as ever without the sense of any gap left by her departure. This leaving of the younger children she had decided to be for the best; were she to remain they would probably gain less good by her precepts than harm by her example.在那所房屋里住著她的家人,盡管她就要遠離他們,他們再也看不到她的笑容了,但是大概他們的日常生活也許會依然同過去一樣,在他們的意識中快樂也不會有太多的減少。幾天以后,孩子們就會像往常一樣玩起他們的游戲來,不會感到因為她的離開而缺少了什么。她決心離開是為了這些更小的孩子們能得到更大的好處;如果她留在家里不走,他們也許從她的管教中得不到絲毫好處,反而會因她的榜樣受害。 She went through Stourcastle without pausing, and onward to a junction of highways, where she could await a carrier's van that ran to the south-west; for the railways which engirdled this interior tract of country had never yet struck across it. While waiting, however, there came along a farmer in his spring-cart, driving approximately in the direction that she wished to pursue. Though he was a stranger to her she accepted his offer of a seat beside him, ignoring that its motive was a mere tribute to her countenance. He was going to Weatherbury, and by accompanying him thither she could walk the remainder of the distance instead of travelling in the van by way of Casterbridge.她沒有歇一歇就穿過斯圖爾堡,向前一直走到幾條大道的交叉路口,在那兒等候往西南去的搬運夫的大馬車;因為鐵路雖然包圍了鄉村內陸的廣大區域,但是從來還沒有穿過它的腹地。正當她在那兒等候馬車的時候,路上有一個農夫坐著輕便的雙輪馬車走了過來,要去的地方大約同她要趕的路是一個方向。盡管她不認識這個陌生人,但還是接受了他的邀請,上車坐在農夫身邊,而不管農夫邀請她的動機只是向她漂亮的臉蛋獻上的一份殷勤。農夫是到韋瑟伯利去的,她坐車到了那兒,就不用再坐大馬車繞道卡斯特橋,剩下的一段路靠步行就能走了。
- Dec 08 Thu 2011 18:37