《暮光之城:破曉I》首映夜 “貝拉”驚艷紅毯 - 補習

Kristen at Breaking Dawn Premiere


Kristen Stewart had all eyes on her — and the daringly high slit in her J. Mendel dress, which showed off lots of leg — at the premiere of Breaking Dawn Part 1, which took place at the Nokia Theater in LA on Monday evening. 當地時間11月14日晚上,《暮光之城:破曉I》在洛杉磯諾基亞劇院舉行首映。克里斯汀·斯圖爾特身著大膽的J. Mendel開叉禮服驚艷亮相,并成為全場關注的焦點。

Kristen stuck close to her on and off screen main man. Robert Pattinson, to pose for photos, and they also joined up with the third arm of their love Twilight triangle, Taylor Lautner. Kristen sported hot peep-toes for the start of the black carpet, though she had to trade them in for sneakers halfway through.現場合照時,克里斯汀緊貼著戲里戲外的她的男主角羅伯特·帕丁森。當然他們也讓戲中試圖破壞他們感情的“第三者”泰勒·洛特加入。一開始克里斯汀腳蹬性感的露指高跟鞋走“黑地毯”,而走到一半她就不得不換上她的球鞋。 


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