《阿凡達》特效班底稱制作《猩球崛起》挑戰更大(視頻) - 補習


It would be impossible for us to make this movie a few years ago, I mean what learnt from King Kong to Avatar to have brought their technology to another level for this movie to make our apes look real.幾年前若要拍本片幾乎不可能,從《金剛》到《阿凡達》,精進的技術讓本片的猩猩栩栩如生。

This is the first live-action film that has its main character as a thoughtful feeling, self-aware animal. This is the Apes story.這是第一次真人實景電影中,首度采用有感知能力的動物為主角。這是一個主角是猩猩的故事。

Andy Serkis is unlike any other character. He can have characters that don't speak, emote ways that you don't really see often in movies.安迪瑟金斯有別于其他演員,他能用觀眾不常見的方式詮釋無法說話或表達情感的角色。

The basic usage of performance capture is through cell screen you will see the apes but they're apes which are fused with heart and soul of actors' performance.動作捕捉的基本做法是,屏幕里會同步顯示猩猩,但它們被賦予了演員投入的感情與靈魂。

You can be blinded by the technology. You can find yourself wane down by it. And I think Andy brings a spirit and an understanding and a simplicity. He's able to push the technology to one side and think about it in terms of just real-life action performance.科技能使人盲目,科技能讓人憂心忡忡,我認為安迪為角色帶來了態度、理解與單純。他能將技術發揮得淋漓盡致。用真人實景動作方式思考。

This film was not possible without the work of Andy Serkis.如果沒有安迪瑟金斯,本片無法成功。

You have to trust me, I'm gonna get you out of here.相信我,我會救你出來。

Everybody's seen jackanapes. Everybody's seen orangutans. You know how they are supposed to look. So I think the bars in terms of needing to make photo-realistic character is really high.大家都看過猩猩、人猿,我們都知道它們的長相。創造惟妙惟肖的標準很高。

So we had to go the best people in the business to do visual effects in this movie. WEDA had the experience from King Kong, Avatar and the Lord of the Rings. One of the improvements in motion-capture since Avatar, really have to do with the detail and the type of that are getting out of the cameras gives us more facial information and that subtlety is what's gonna make the apes work, which is gonna be very different. You don't get a chance to look apes' eyes like you'll see in this movie.我們得聘請業內的頂尖人才來制作本片的特效。WETA曾參與制作過《金剛》、《阿凡達》和《魔戒》。《阿凡達》之后,動作捕捉技術在攝影拍攝的細節與影視方面更加精良。我們能夠獲取更多的臉部信息。精細度也截然不同。要讓猩猩變得活靈活現。大家平常不會有機會直視猩猩的雙眼,但是在本片中你就可以做到。

We started with the concept art and we started to use as bases of designing our characters. And then from there here goes our creatures department, which they are working on the whole muscular system, the skeleton system and the way that the apes will actually move. And then it would come to the textures department, where we had to actually put in every all the very fined wrinkles into all the characters.我們從概念美術著手,把它作為設計角色的基礎。接著由生物部門接手,他們研究肌肉組織、骨架以及猩猩的活動方式。然后會是結構部門。我們會把非常細微的紋路都加入到角色身上。

At the same time, the model department are doing the groom, laying out the fur and handing that off to shadows as well so that they apply hair that then goes to the shots department where everything comes together. So the creatures really do have the correct anatomical eyes, They have muscles and fat skin that really make as real as possible.同時模型部門處理毛發,設計毛皮然后上色。他們畫上毛發后,設計皮毛,然后著色。交給分鏡部門整合一切。猩猩有仿真的身體結構紋理,它們有肌肉、脂肪和皮膚。這些會盡可能讓它們看起來更真實。

Obviously when you work with WETA, it can be safe for you to knowledge that they can come up with something pretty great but we were attempting to do something that had never been done before. And my first reaction of seeing it was that Andy Sirkis' looking like a chimp and that what's amazing is you see his performance.當你與WETA共事,你會確信成果會很出色。但是我們的嘗試是空前的創舉。我看到后的第一反應是,安迪瑟金斯看起來就像猩猩。你看到他的演出,會贊嘆不已。

What we do differently on the Rise of Apes from what we did on Avatar is we brought performance capture into the life-action location.我們和其他團隊不同之處在于,我們在本片與《阿凡達》中,把動作捉捕逮到了真實場景中拍攝。

In a way it's probably the best thing that happened to mocap. We've been shooting in the stage without sunlight for like ten years.從某種程度來看,這位動作捕捉技術帶來福音,之前很多年我們一直都在沒有陽光的棚內待著。

We are on the set of the Golden Gate Bridge. This is the largest mocap volume in the world and first time it's been done outside. So WETA is basically changing all the rules with motion capture.我們現在在金門大橋拍攝現場。這是世界上最大動作捕捉攝影棚,也是首度戶外拍攝。所以WATE工作時改變了所有動作捕捉的規則。

That was good!太棒了!

We are breaking very new grounds here. From second three in the movie, you will believe. It has the spectacle, has the scope. WETA's done something that is quite extraordinary.我們在本片中開創了一種新局面。本片從第3秒開始,你就會知道,本片有頂級特效,大規模場面。WETA的成就無與倫比。


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