《秘社》S01E03筆記:咎由自取 - 補習


1.You haven't signed up for any extracurriculars.你沒有報名參加任何課外活動。

sign up報名、注冊

I'm thinking of signing up for a yoga course.我在考慮報一個瑜伽班。

2.Henry brought this on himself, Dawn.Henry這是咎由自取。

bring on引起不好的事情;使不好的事情發生

You have brought disaster on the whole village!你給整個村帶來了災難!

3.Before someone else catches on to us.在別人發現之前。

catch on變得流行;曝露

The idea of glasses being a fashion item has been slow to catch on.眼鏡慢慢變得流行起來。

4.So I could fill in for her.所以我可以暫時代替她。

fill in for sb.暫時代替某人

I'm filling in for Joe for a few days.這頓時間我會代替Joe。

5.But I have never decorated a school dance before, much less attended.但我以前從未布置過校園舞會,更別說參加了。

much less更不用說;何況

The shelves were lined with books which neither Hugo nor Sally would ever open, much less read.那個書架Hugo和Sally從來就沒打開過,更不用說看過里面的書了。

6.What would you say if I told you that Dawn and I were seeing each other?如果我告訴你我和Dawn在一起了,你會怎么想?

be seeing somebody和某人約會

Is she seeing anyone at the moment?她是不是在和某人約會?

7.I was just roping some people into helping Sally with dance committee stuff.我只是找了一些人來幫Sally處理舞會籌辦會的事情。

rope someday into something/doing說服某人參加...

Denise roped me into selling tickets.Denise找我幫忙一起售票。


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