《阿甘正傳》臺詞賞析-1 - 補習




Forrest Gump: Hello. My name's Forrest - Forrest Gump. Do you want a chocolate? I could eat about a million and a half of these. My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get.

Those must be comfortable shoes. I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that.

Woman: My feet hurt .

Forrest Gump: Mama always said there's an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes. Where they're going, where they've been. I've worn lots of shoes. I bet if I think about it real hard I could remember my first pair of shoes. Mama said they'd take me anywhere . She said they was my magic shoes.

Man: All right, Forrest, Open your eyes now . Let's take a little walk around. How do those feel?

His legs are strong, Mrs. Gump, as strong as I've ever seen. But his back's ascrooked as a politician. But we're going to straighten him right up, aren't we, Forrest?

Mrs. Gump: Forrest!

Forrest Gump: Now, when I was a baby, Mama named me after the great Civil War hero General Nathan Bedford Forrest. She said we were related to him in some way. What he did was, he tarted up this club called the Ku Klux Klan. They'd all dress up in their robes and their bed sheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks or something. They'd even put bed sheets on their horses and ride around. And, anyway, that'show I got my name-- Forrest Gump. Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me that sometimes we all do things that, well, that just don't make no sense.

Mrs. Gump: This way. Hold on. Ugh!

All right. What are y'all staring at? Haven't you ever seen a little boy with braces on his legs before ?

Don't ever let anybody tell you they're better than you, Forrest.

If God intended everybody to be the same, he'd have given us all braces on our legs. Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.



I could eat about a million and a half of these.


Million 在美國人的日常用語中經常見到,用夸張的語氣表示數量的不勝枚舉。例如本句中,阿甘形容自己可以吃下“一百五十萬塊巧克力”,意即百吃不厭。

1. 阿甘在形容自己是多年來第一批訪問中國的美國人時,是這樣講的:

I was the first American to visit the land of China in like a million years or something like that.


2. 當一個美國人在形容自己即將到來的婚禮是多么興師動眾時,他可以這樣表述:

It’s like a million people flying in around the world.


3. 類似的表達方法還有“thousand”,“hundred”,甚至“twenty”。

1) Our house had been in Mama’s family since her grandpa’s grandpa’s grandpa had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago.


2) I’ve told you a hundred times that today I’ll come back late.



There’s an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes.



1. Yes, I did have plastic surgery. How can you tell?


2.And then in the desert, when the sun comes up, I couldn’t tell where heaven stopped and the earth began.


3. Even though it was so dark I could still tell it was you.


4. tell It’s hard to tell when we can finish the work.


5. tell You can tell by the way it walks that the cat has been injured.


remind sb. of/that

make sense

Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me that sometimes we all do things that, well, just don’t make no sense.

remind sb. of sth. 或者跟從句,提醒某人某事。如:This story reminds me of my childhood.


He reminded me how careful I ought to be in doing it.


make sense: 講得通,  有意義,  言之有理

例句:Sometimes paragraphs need only to be rearranged for the story to make sense.



*I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing.



1. I bet Nick is sitting in front of his computer surfing on the internet right now.  我擔保現在尼克正坐在計算機前上網呢。

2.--God! I am dog-tired after the hike. –I bet you are.  --天!遠足之后我可真累慘了。--你說的沒錯。

3.I bet you will never guess who I saw this morning.  你肯定猜不到今早兒我看到誰了。

*Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you’re going to get.



*My feet hurt.


*But his back is as crooked as a politician.



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