《生活大爆炸》S05E09口語精華Sheldon智擒藍松鴉 - 補習 |
看生活大爆炸學英語第五季第九集 【劇情介紹】Leonard和Penny分手后第一次單獨出去看電影,因為不在以情侶的身份約會,Leonard決定不再將就Penny,選自己愛看的電影,并且跟PennyAA制。Sheldon因為小時候常鳥類欺負而有恐鳥癥,開始與陽臺上那只藍松鴉斗智斗勇。
1. I know, it's high-resolution sadness. 我知道了, 這就是高清控的悲哀啊。 high-resolution高分辨率 2. Sir, I have no doubt that there are things that you're frightened of. Being stuck in a dead-end public service job. Or your wife stepping out on you.先生,毋庸置疑,你也害怕一些東西吧。比如 供職公共服務行業,無出頭之日,或你老婆背著你出軌。 step out on在愛情上不忠實于 3. This would go a lot faster if you put your trade school diploma to work and helped me set up this high-frequency tone generator.要是你能把你那專科學歷學以致用,幫我裝好高頻音波發生器的話就能快很多了。 trade school職業學校;中等專業學校 4. Still my first choice for an ankle tattoo. Or a dolphin-- I go back and forth. 仍是我腳踝紋身的首選圖案,要不就是海豚,我也在猶豫。 go back and forth猶豫不決 5. It's not a death ray. It's just a little ultrasonic blast to scare him off.這不是死亡射線,這只是一點超聲波用來嚇唬它的。 Scare off嚇跑 6. That's a living thing; get cracking.那就是個活得東西,開始吧。 get cracking開始工作,行動起來; 7. Yeah, neither of us minored in bird-shooing. 對,我們都沒修過“趕鳥”這門課。 minor in輔修;兼修major in主修 8. Oh. Who am I kidding? This isn't a moment for strict adherence to the literal. 我這跟誰開玩笑呢? 這哪是摳字眼的時候啊。 adherence to 遵守,strict adherence to the literal咬文嚼字 《實習醫生格蕾》、《24小時》等著名美劇演員最新舞臺劇作品《絕密》登陸上海>>
- Dec 05 Mon 2011 16:46