
世界首位“十月爹地”渴望切除子宮(雙語) - 補習



Thomas Beatie: World's First 'Pregnant Man' Wants Hysterectomy世界首位“十月爹地”渴望切除子宮

Thomas Beatie, the transgender father dubbed 'the pregnant man' is considering having a hysterectomy after the birth of his third child.托馬斯·比提是位變性父親,人稱“孕夫”的他在生下自己第三個孩子后,想要進行子宮切除手術。

Mind-boggling pictures of Beatie, bearded and breastless boasting a bulging belly, emerged during his pregnancy.看著照片中懷孕的比提,留著胡子,胸部平平,卻挺著個大肚子,讓人著實覺得不可思議。

The transgender 37-year-old retained his female reproductive organs despite being legally declared a man in 2002.盡管在法律上37歲的比提在2002年就已經是個男人了,但他在接受變性手術時選擇保留了身上的女性生殖器官。

His wife Nancy had to breastfeed their children as Beatie was unable because male hormones prevented him from producing milk.由于比提體內的男性激素使得他無法哺乳,他的妻子南希不得不替他們的孩子喂奶。

He will explain why he is considering a hysterectomy in The Doctors, an American series similar to Embarrassing Bodies.比提將參與錄制電視節目“醫生們”,這個美國節目是英國版的“限制級診療室”。在節目中,比提將揭露他想要切除子宮的原因。

Beatie will describe the strain he has suffered while trying to conceive. Medical complications of being a transgender father will also be revealed.比提還將在節目中披露自己嘗試懷孕時所承受的種種壓力,以及身為變性父親所遇到的并發癥等等。


Beatie will also speak about the impact of publicity surrounding the birth of his first child, Susan, and how negative coverage led to the boycott and subsequent collapse of his T-shirt business ‘Define Normal’.比提也將談到他在生第一個孩子蘇珊時,公眾給他帶來的影響,還有媒體的負面報道是如何使得人們抵制并最后導致他的T恤生意破產的。

Living off benefits and struggling to pay the mortgage, in March 2011 Beatie said he was "desperate" and filed for bankruptcy.比提現在靠著政府救濟來維持生活,還要為還貸而苦苦掙扎。今年三月,他曾說過自己感到很“絕望”,并且申請了破產。

While he was first pregnant, Beatie was reported as saying: "Despite the fact that my belly is growing with a new life inside me, I am stable and confident being the man that I am."作為世界首位“懷孕爸爸”,比提曾在報道中說過,“盡管我的肚子里有個小生命在一天天長大,現在的這具男兒身仍然讓我覺得很穩定、很自信。” 

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