《德伯家的苔絲》第二十三章(上) - 補習 |
The hot weather of July had crept upon them unawares, and the atmosphere of the flat vale hung heavy as an opiate over the dairy-folk, the cows, and the trees. Hot steaming rains fell frequently, making the grass where the cows fed yet more rank, and hindering the late haymaking in the other meads.七月的炎熱天氣在不知不覺中來到了人們身邊,平坦山谷中的大氣好像麻醉劑一樣,既沉重又沉悶,籠罩著奶牛場的人們、奶牛和樹木。熱氣騰騰的綿綿大雨,使得供奶牛放牧的牧草長得更加茂盛了,但是也妨礙了其它牧場上晚期收割牧草的工作。 It was Sunday morning; the milking was done; the outdoor milkers had gone home. Tess and the other three were dressing themselves rapidly, the whole bevy having agreed to go together to Mellstock Church, which lay some three or four miles distant from the dairy-house. She had now been two months at Talbothays, and this was her first excursion.那是一個禮拜天的早晨;牛奶已經擠完了;住在場外的擠奶工人也回家了。梅爾斯托克教堂離奶牛場大約有三四英里遠近,苔絲和另外三個擠奶的女工已經商量好了,打算一塊兒去那兒作禮拜,所以她們就迅速換好了衣服。到現在為止,苔絲來泰波塞斯已經兩個月了,這還是她第一次出門去玩。在頭一天的整個下午和晚上,雷陣雨嘩嘩地傾倒在牧場上,牧場上有些干草也被沖進河里去了;但是今天早上,大地經過雨水的沖洗,太陽照射在牧場上,顯得更加明亮,空氣清新而芬芳。 All the preceding afternoon and night heavy thunderstorms had hissed down upon the meads, and washed some of the hay into the river; but this morning the sun shone out all the more brilliantly for the deluge, and the air was balmy and clear. The crooked lane leading from their own parish to Mellstock ran along the lowest levels in a portion of its length, and when the girls reached the most depressed spot they found that the result of the rain had been to flood the lane over-shoe to a distance of some fifty yards. This would have been no serious hindrance on a week-day; they would have clicked through it in their high pattens and boots quite unconcerned; but on this day of vanity, this Sun's-day, when flesh went forth to coquet with flesh while hypocritically affecting business with spiritual things; on this occasion for wearing their white stockings and thin shoes, and their pink, white, and lilac gowns, on which every mud spot would be visible, the pool was an awkward impediment. They could hear the church-bell calling - as yet nearly a mile off.從她們的教區通往梅爾斯托克的那條彎彎曲曲的小路,有一段是沿著谷中最低洼的地方通過的。那幾個姑娘走到那段最低洼的地方時,發現大雨過后有一段大約五十碼長的路面被淹沒了,積水深過腳面。在平常的日子里,這并不是什么大不了的障礙;她們都是穿的高底木頭套鞋和靴子,可以滿不在乎地從水中蹚過去;但是這天是禮拜天,是她們拋頭露面的日子,她們口頭說的是去進行精神上的陶冶,而實際上是去進行肉體征服肉體的談情說愛;這個時候她們都會穿上白色的襪子和輕俏的鞋,有的穿粉紅的連衣裙,有的穿白色的連衣裙,有的穿淡紫色的連衣裙,只要上面濺上了一點兒泥都能被人看見;這片水塘把她們擋住了,叫她們犯了難。她們能夠聽見教堂的鐘聲已經敲響了——可是她們差不多還在一英里路以外。 'Who would have expected such a rise in the river in summertime!' said Marian, from the top of the roadside-bank on which they had climbed, and were maintaining a precarious footing in the hope of creeping along its slope till they were past the pool. 'We can't get there anyhow, without walking right through it, or else going round the Turnpike way; and that would make us so very late!' said Retty, pausing hopelessly.“誰能夠想到在夏天這條河里還會漲這樣大的水呢!”瑪麗安說,她們已經爬到了路邊的坡頂上,猶豫不定地站在那兒,希望沿著山坡爬過去,繞過那個水塘。“如果不從水里蹚過去,或者另外從征收通行稅的路上繞過去,我們是過不了這個水塘的;要是繞過去的話,我們一定很晚才能到!”萊蒂毫無辦法地站在那兒說。 'And I do colour up so hot, walking into church late, and all the people staring round,' said Marian,' that I hardly cool down again till we get into the That-it-may-please-Thees.'“我們要是進教堂晚了,讓所有的人看著,我一定要難堪不過的。”瑪麗安說,“不等到‘求主這個,求主那個’的時候,我是恢復不過來的。”
- Mar 06 Tue 2012 22:01