
《德伯家的苔絲》第二十四章(上) - 補習


Amid the oozing fatness and warm ferments of the Var Vale, at a season when the rush of juices could almost be heard below the hiss of fertilization, it was impossible that the most fanciful love should not grow passionate. The ready bosoms existing there were impregnated by their surroundings.在佛盧姆谷里,土壤肥沃得冒油,氣候溫暖得發酵,在這種季節里,從萬物滋生發育的咝咝聲中,幾乎連草木汁液的奔流都聽得見,因此,那種最富有幻想的愛情就不可能不生出纏綿的情意來。生活在那兒的胸懷激情的兩個人,也都受到了周圍環境的感染。

July passed over their beads, and the Thermidorean weather which came in its wake seemed an effort on the part of Nature to match the state of hearts at Talbothays Dairy. The air of the place, so fresh in the spring and early summer, was stagnant and enervating now. Its heavy scents weighed upon them, and at mid-day the landscape seemed lying in a swoon. Ethiopic scorchings browned the upper slopes of the pastures, but there was still bright green herbage here where the watercourses purled. And as Clare was oppressed by the outward heats, so was he burdened inwardly by waxing fervour of passion for the soft and silent Tess.七月已經從他們的身邊過去了,隨后而來的便是暑月①的氣候,似乎自然這一方面也在作出努力,以便能夠適合在泰波塞斯奶牛場談情說愛的心境。這個地方的空氣,在春天和初夏都非常清新,而現在卻變得呆滯和使人困倦了。沉重的氣息壓在他們的身上,到了正午,似乎連景物也昏昏入睡了。像埃塞俄比亞的烈日一樣灼熱的太陽,曬黃了牧場斜坡頂上的青草,不過在流水潺潺的地方依然還是嫩綠的草地。克萊爾不僅外面受到熱氣的灼烤,而且內心里也為了溫柔沉靜的苔絲受到越來越強烈的激情的壓迫。

The rains having passed the uplands were dry. The wheels of the dairyman's spring-cart, as he sped home from market, licked up the pulverized surface of the highway, and were followed by white ribands of dust, as if they had set a thin powder-train on fire. The cows jumped wildly over the five-barred barton-gate, maddened by the gad-fly; Dairyman Crick kept his shirt-sleeves permanently rolled up from Monday to Saturday: open windows had no effect in ventilation without open doors, and in the dairy-garden the blackbirds and thrushes crept about under the currant-bushes, rather in the manner of quadrupeds than of winged creatures. The flies in the kitchen were lazy, teasing, and familiar, crawling about in unwonted places, on the floor, into drawers, and over the backs of the milkmaids' hands. Conversations were concerning sunstroke; while butter-making, and still more butterkeeping, was a despair.雨已經下過了,高地也干了。奶牛場老板坐著帶彈簧的雙輪馬車從市場回家,馬車跑得飛快,車輪的后面帶起一股白色的塵土,好像是點燃了的一條細長的火藥引線一樣。奶牛被牛虻咬得發了瘋,有五道橫木的柵欄門都被它們跳了過去;從星期一到星期六,奶牛場的克里克老板卷起來的襯衣袖子,從來就沒有放下來過。只開窗戶而不把門打開,風是透不進來的;在奶牛場的園子里,烏鴉和畫盾在覆盆子樹叢下跳來跳去,看它們的樣子,與其說它們是長翅膀的飛鳥,還不如說它們是長四條腿的走獸。廚房里的蚊蠅懶洋洋的,一點兒也不伯人,在沒有人的地方爬來爬去,比如地板上、柜子上以及擠奶女工的手背上。他們在一塊兒談話的內容總是與中暑有關;而做黃油,尤其是保存黃油都是沒有辦法做到的事了。



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