《德伯家的苔絲》第二十五章(下) - 補習


Angel sat down, and the place felt like home; yet he did not so much as formerly feel himself one of the family gathered there. Every time that he returned hither he was conscious of this divergence, and since he had last shared in the Vicarage life it had grown even more distinctly foreign to his own than usual. Its transcendental aspirations - still unconsciously based on the geocentric view of things, a zenithal paradise, a nadiral hell - were as foreign to his own as if they had been the dreams of people on another planet. Latterly he had seen only Life, felt only the great passionate pulse of existence, unwarped, uncontorted, untrammelled by those creeds which futilely attempt to check what wisdom would be content to regulate.安琪爾坐下來,這時候才覺得回到了家里;不過和大家坐在一起,他倒覺得缺少了自己過去有過的自己是家庭一員的感覺。從前他每次回到家里,都意識到這種分歧,但是自從上次回家住了幾天以后,他現在感觸到這種分歧明顯變得比過去更大了,他和他們越來越陌生了。家里那種玄妙的追求,仍然還是以地球為萬物中心的觀點為基礎的,也就是說,天上是天堂,地下是地獄,這種追求和他自己的相比,它們就變得陌生了,陌生得就像它們是生活在其它星球上的人做的夢一樣。近來他看見的只是有趣的生活,感覺到的只是強烈激情的搏動,由于這些信仰,它們沒有矯飾,沒有歪曲,沒有約束,這些信仰只能由智慧加以節制,而是不能夠壓制的。

On their part they saw a great difference in him, a growing divergence from the Angel Clare of former times. It was chiefly a difference in his manner that they noticed just now, particularly bis brothers. He was getting to behave like a farmer; he flung his legs about; the muscles of his face had grown more expressive; his eyes looked as much information as his tongue spoke, and more. The manner of the scholar had nearly disappeared; still more the manner of the drawing-room young man. A prig would have said that he had lost culture, and a prude that he had become coarse. Such was the contagion of domiciliary fellowship with the Talbothays nymphs and swains.在他的父母方面,他們也在他的身上看出了巨大的不同,看到了同在前幾次里看到的安琪爾·克萊爾的差別。他們所注意到的這種差別主要是他的外表上的,他的兩個哥哥注意到的尤其如此。他的表現越來越像一個農民,抖他的雙腿,臉上易于表現喜怒哀樂的情緒,富有表情的眼睛傳達的意思甚至超過了舌頭。讀書人的風度差不多消逝了;客廳里的青年人的風度更加看不見了。道學先生會說他沒有教養,假裝正經的人會說他舉止粗野。這就是他在泰波塞斯同大自然的兒女們住在一起而受到熏陶感染的結果。

After breakfast he walked with his two brothers, non-evangelical, well-educated, hall-marked young men, correct to their remotest fibre; such unimpeachable models as are turned out yearly by the lathe of a systematic tuition. They were both somewhat shortsighted, and when it was the custom to wear a single eyeglass and string they wore a single eyeglass and string; when it was the custom to wear a double glass they wore a double glass; when it was the custom to wear spectacles they wore spectacles straightway, all without reference to the particular variety of defect in their own vision. When Wordsworth was enthroned they carried pocket copies; and when Shelley was belittled they allowed him to grow dusty on their shelves. When Correggio's Holy Families were admired, they admired Correggio's Holy Families; when he was decried in favour of Velasquez, they sedulously followed suit without any personal objection.早飯以后,他和他的兩個哥哥一起出門散步,他的兩個哥哥都是非福音教徒,受過良好的教育,他們都是高品位的青年,品行端正,性格謹慎;他們都是由教育機床一年年生產出來的無可挑剔的模范人物。他們兩個人都有點兒近視,那個時候時興戴系帶子的單片眼鏡,所以他們就戴系帶子的單片眼鏡;如果時興戴夾鼻眼鏡,他們就戴夾鼻眼鏡,而從不考慮他們有毛病的眼睛的特殊需要。當有人崇拜華茲華斯的時候,他們就帶著華茲華斯的袖珍詩集,當有人貶低雪萊的時候,他們就把雪萊的詩集扔在書架上,上面落滿了灰塵。當有人稱贊柯累佐的畫《神圣家庭》的時候,他們也稱贊柯累佐的畫《神圣家庭》;當有人詆毀柯累佐而贊揚維拉奎的時候,他們也緊跟在后面人云亦云,從來沒有自己的不同意見。


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