浪費生命、蹉跎人生的50件事V - 補習 |
41. Let your hobbies go.41. 讓自己的興趣愛好慢慢消失。 42. Let your close relationships go.42. 讓親密的朋友慢慢離你遠去。 43. Take everyone seriously and everything personally.把每個人都看得很重要,對每件事都很敏感。 44. Remember the insults, forget the compliments.44. 只記住人家對罵你的話,忘光了人家贊揚你的話。 45. Always wait until the last minute.45. 總要等到最后期限要到了才行動。 46. Let it all bottle up inside.46. 把所有事都藏在心里。 47. Always disregard other people’s opinions and suggestions.47. 總是忽視他人的意見和建議。 48. Dream about your future goals and never take action to achieve them.48. 只會夢想美好的將來,卻不會付諸行動。 49. Fear change and resist it.49. 害怕變化,抗拒變化。 50. Work hard, do your best, and then condemn yourself for not achieving perfection.50. 盡力將一切做到最好,然后還要批評自己沒有做到完美。
- Dec 14 Wed 2011 21:49