
海利•喬•奧夢斯近況曝光,你還記得《第六感》里的小柯爾嗎? - 補習


His most famous role is still that of the boy with the ability to communicate with spirits in 1999's The Sixth Sense.And so recent pictures of former child star Haley Joel Osment may come as a surprise. The 23-year-old looked a little rounder than he did in his early years out in Philidelphia yesterday.他扮演過的最有名的角色,還是1999年的電影《第六感》中,那個有能力和鬼魂交流的男孩。而這個曾經的小童星——海利·喬·奧斯蒙,近來曝光的一組照片,可能會讓你感到十分詫異。現年23歲的他,比早期在費城的時候看上去又發胖了一些。

Though his facial features have altered surprisingly little, the star, though not fat, had certainly gained a little bulk.The actor is currently starring in John Logan's Tony Award-winning drama Red at the Suzanne Roberts Theater in Philadelphia. The play follows artist Mark Rothko as he constructs his most famous work alongside his assistant Ken- played by Osment.他的長相雖然出人意料地沒怎么變,也不算多胖,但已然長成個大塊頭了。在費城的蘇珊娜羅伯茨劇院里,海利.喬.奧斯蒙目前正為約翰·洛根創作的《紅色》擔當主演。這部話劇曾獲得托尼獎最佳戲劇獎,講述的是藝術家馬克·羅斯科和助手肯恩一同創作自己最著名的作品的故事。

The simple set and two-man cast form a very basic foundation for what grows into a larger-than-life spectacle as the extraordinary painting is created.Haley has garnered winning reviews for his performance, with the Philly Post saying that he and his co star Stephen Rowe have 'a perfectly uncomfortable chemistry that gives the play life,' and calling Osment 'a natural' on stage.簡潔的舞臺布景和二人演員陣容,為之后這幅非凡的繪畫作品誕生時,嘆為觀止的傳奇景象,奠定了基礎。海利的表演為他贏得了很多的好評,The Philly Post網站上說,他和斯蒂芬·羅的合作“碰撞出火花,為話劇賦予了生命",并且說奧斯蒙是“為舞臺而生”的。

Speaking about the play, Osment has said: 'I never got a chance to see 'Red' when it was on Broadway but I read it before this production,' 'On top of having great characters, it has art history. The characters add a lot of depth to it because they feel so strongly about art.'談及這部話劇,奧斯蒙說,“《紅色》在百老匯上映時,我沒有機會去看,不過上映之前我就讀過。”“除了有很棒的角色,劇中還包含了藝術史。因為演員們都對藝術很敏感,從而大大增加了話劇的深度。”

'It is a 90-minute show and it goes fast. I've always enjoyed one act plays because it allows the storyline to go straight through. With this show, the dialogue is great and the characters are strong.' In addition to his Oscar-nominated turn in The Sixth Sense, Haley was recognised early in his career for his stirring turn as a robot in Steven Spielberg's AI: Artificial Intelligence opposite Jude Law in 2001.His next project is a film adaption of the Frankenstein story entitled Wake The Dead, which is due to start shooting in Boston at the end of the year.The movie will be directed by Ladder 49s Jay Russell.“這是一部90分鐘的表演,但看的時候覺得時間飛逝。我一向愛看獨幕劇,因為可以一氣呵成地看一個情節連貫的故事。這部話劇的對白很贊,陣容也很強大。” 除了在《第六感》中的表演得到了奧斯卡提名,海利的演技早在2011年便得到了認可,當年他在斯皮爾伯格指導的《人工智能》中和裘德洛合作,顛覆性地出演了一個機器人。接下來他將接拍一部根據《弗蘭克斯坦》改編的電影,名為《震耳欲聾》。這部戲計劃于今年年底在波士頓開拍,導演是曾經指導過《烈火雄心》的杰·羅素。

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