魔鬼腳下的夢囈:Azure Ray - The Devil's Feet - 補習 |
Azure Ray如夢囈般的吟唱,淺淺的仿佛不著痕跡。于那樣的靜謐中,卻深深觸動了每一雙偶遇她們的耳朵。呼吸里,是一股憂傷,輕聲訴說,娓娓道來。藏不住的,是在那看似平靜的腔調下的波濤洶涌。柔軟的聲音,有如流水一般,悄悄滲入你的思緒。 The devil's feet,魔鬼腳下。誰的人生里,沒有過這樣或那樣的誘惑?有過猶疑的選擇,也有過無助的探索。而音樂中的那個小小少女啊,有誰聽過她的故事,有誰明白她的心。 或是在某個夜晚,或是在某個瞬間,我們也有恍若墜入深淵的感覺。也許,也曾渴望一個聲音,能夠唱出我們深埋入心底,不想獨自面對的念頭。 Artist:Azure RaySong:The Devil's Feet When i was a child a story was told小時候聽過這么一個故事About the devil and a girl oh so bold一個關于魔鬼和勇敢的少女的故事He offered her riches, a fortune of gold魔鬼要給她億萬家財,黃金無數And lovers abound還有數不清的情人But she lifted her soul但她昂起了高貴的頭She lifted her soul clean oh clean她的靈魂是如此高尚 And like the story was told正如故事本身On a dark country road在一條陰暗的鄉村小路上The same man appeared to me我也碰上了這魔鬼But i reached,I reached我卻向他伸出了手Through the rain to the devil's feet在滂沱大雨中,臣服于魔鬼腳下 Now twenty years later to the place i return二十年后的今天我再回到這路上Where i scorned the angels for a passion that burned在這個地方我對天使的詛咒將永世不可磨滅There set in the tree a knot twisted and turned樹上纏闃一個縱橫交錯的死結The face of a creature hell bound活像一張來自地獄的臉So long ago could my mind have played jokes on me一念之差As darkness sets in unavoidable sin黑暗自此統治了我罪惡的靈魂The truth i try not to believe我想逃避這個現實 That i reached i reached當時我向他伸出了手 Through the rain to the devil's feet在滂沱大雨中,臣服于魔鬼腳下That i reached i reached當時我向他伸出了手Through the rain to the devil's feet在滂沱大雨中,臣服于魔鬼腳下
- Jan 12 Thu 2012 13:07
魔鬼腳下的夢囈:Azure Ray - The Devil's Feet_補習